Following the very popular 2022 first season of Bobcats, we are carrying on with more fun sessions for 5 to 8 yr olds. With the emphasis on fun we want children to have the opportunity to play cricket and to start their “journey” with us, here at Northern Counties Cricket Club.
Venue: Northern Meeting Park, Ardross Street, Inverness
Day : Tuesday
Time : 4.30pm – 5.30pm
Dates : 18th April
Cost : £40 for 8 sessions payable via BACS
Bank of Scotland
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Account Number: 10870361
Reference : BOB
Each Child will get a Bobcat T-shirt and cap which is inclusive in the cost. Bats and balls will be provided if needed. 2nd year returners will get a Bobcats Hoodie

Contact: Abbi Thorp – abbithorp@aol.co.uk – to book your places
Older players may be invited to attend the “Junior Wildcats” sessions as well. This will depend on ability